This is an example of an export generated using the T-SIM template ts_basic.htm. Comments, which are not present in the record generated by T-SIM, are in green color on dark background.

Accuform - Project report [C:\t-sim\Becher\Becher.tff] Source project file (full path).
Generated by T-SIM Version 4.4, 02. September 2002, 14:52:16. Software version + date, when the report was generated.

Basic information

Project name C:\t-sim\Becher\Becher.tff Source project file (full path).
Solver start 02. September 2002, 14:51:39 When the solver started.
Solver duration 00:00:37 How much time the solution took.
Solution type Full solution How the project was solved (preview or full solution).
Solver result Simulation completed successfully Result of the solution (OK, instabilities etc.).

Project source files

FEM grid c:\t-sim 435 NET\Becher\Becher.bcs Source file for sheet (*.bcs file) used in project.
Tools [01] c:\t-sim\Becher\BecherMld.tol List of all tool files.
[02] c:\t-sim\Becher\BecherPlg.tol
[02 tool(s) used.]
Process control c:\t-sim\Becher\Becher.pct Source file for process control.
Material c:\t-sim\Becher\Pp.vie Material used in the project.
Heat and friction c:\t-sim\Becher\Exa.hfr Heat and friction data file.

Additional project information Taken from the Project file (*.tff).

Job number 2002-09-02 # 001
Programmer Accuform
Comments A cup - plug assisted negative forming, step 1.

FEM grid details

Basic information Basic information about the sheet.

Number of elements 902 Number of nodes 495

Initial dimmensions

X min: 0
X max: 48

Y min: 0
Y max: 48
Z min: 0
Z max: 0

Final dimmensions

X min: 1.4e-032
X max: 48

Y min: 1.01e-033
Y max: 48
Z min: -1.4e-007
Z max: 121


Generated by T-SIM Version 4.4, 02. September 2002, 14:52:16.