T-SIM V4.5 Reference

Patran output

Output to Patran is the most advanced one. It creates five files enabling structural analysis and calculation of shrinkage and cooling. The exported files contain the geometry and the topological data along with nodal displacements, thicknesses, temperatures, residual stresses, extensions and direction cosines.

Files created using Patran output

File extension Description
Contains original grid (sheet, preform/parison) nodal coordinates and topology
Contains deformed grid (sheet, preform/parison) nodal displacements + thicknesses
Contains deformed grid (sheet, preform/parison) nodal displacements + temperatures
Contains deformed grid elements. Every element has listed:
1) Its number
2) Residual stresses Sigma1, Sigma2, Sigma3 (in principal direction)
3) Direction cosines (for local x and y axis)
4) Extensional ratios in principal directions (lambda1, lambda2)

Here is a detailed description of the file format - on each row are the following data:

Elem# Sigma1 Sigma2 Sigma3 vx_x vx_y vx_z vy_x vy_y vy_z lambda1 lambda2, where
Elem# is element number
Sigma1, Sigma2 and Sigma3 are principal stresses
vx_x, vx_y, vx_z are components of the direction cosines of local x axis
vy_x, vy_y, vy_z are components of the direction cosines of local y axis
lambda1, lambda2 are principal extensions

Contains final deformed grid (sheet, preform/parison) topology - this file has the same format as *.ptn except the nodal coordinates - they correspond to the deformed grid


Exported grid:


Download all example Patran files here: Patran.zip (69 kB)